Monday, April 20, 2020

Happy 420 From Dr. Velocity and the Gang!

I'm sure Dr. Velocity would be mad at me if I didn't wish his avid readers a very Happy 420!  I'm sure our boy, Alex would be kicking back smoking the dank and listening to early Genesis albums, but what you do is up to you.

So, moving forward, looks like I'll be dropping new chapters on Tuesdays and Saturdays (could be late Monday or Friday too), rather then the whenever schedule I've adopted here during the quarantine.  I'm doing this so I can work on another project that's been on the back of my mind for a while. I'll post details of that over on my other blog, in the near future.

I hope you have as much fun reading these chapters as I am having writing them.  Thanks so much for reading.

Happy 420!

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