Friday, April 24, 2020

Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Faster-Than-Light Assassin Strikes Again!

Chapter Fifty-Nine

The Faster-Than-Light Assassin Strikes Again!

I had just stepped outside the warehouse in Baltimore.  My head spinning from what Nemo had just told me.  The air still had its early morning chill, the early June warmth hadn’t taken over the day yet.  It invigorated me, helped me clear my head.  I was lost in my thoughts, which were moving at superluminal speeds.  My eyes looked over the docks, the boats, the harbor, the Baltimore skyline, and the puffy white clouds that dotted the clear blue vista up above, but my brain was everywhere else, it felt like anyway.

A felt the knife slip just under my heart this time.  It came close.  I felt the pain and knew instantly what had happened.  I caught a glimpse of my assailant this time.  A dark blur.  Focus.  A man dressed in a costume identical to mine, except it was a deep indigo rather than black.  A man just as fast as me, or at least nearly.

I recovered my balance before I hit the ground from the attack.  I was on my feet, badly hurt, but still mobile.

I regarded my attacker.

“Hi, Alex,” he said.  He sounded like Will.


He laughed but didn’t respond.

“What’s up with the new suit?” I asked.

“So many questions, Alex.  I thought you were smarter than this.”

It was definitely Will’s voice.  I was sure of it.

I knew with my wound; I would not be able to take him.  He had every advantage.

“Let me finish you, Alex.  Let it all end here,” he said almost pleading, holding the knife with my blood dripping off.  “So many terrible things are going to happen.  But we can stop them, right now.”

“Will, what has happened?  What’s going to happen?” I begged him.  I was terrified of him.  There was something about him that was deeply disquieting.  Disturbing.

“What the fuck happened to you, man?”

He paused and looked up.  “You have no idea, dude, what’s in store for us.  I have to stop it.  It’s the only way.  I’m sorry.”

I took off.  I ran as hard and as fast as I could.  I ran across the multiverse, traveled through time, and kept running.  When I finally stopped, I had no idea where or when I was.  But then, neither did the F-T-L assassin, or some future fucked up version of Will, or whoever he was.

I was lost, alone, but safe.  I still had no idea WTF was going on, and it was really starting to bother me.

(c) Copyright 2020 Diana Hignutt

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