Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chapter Zero: Introductions and Greetings!

Chapter Zero:

and Greetings!

Call me Doctor Velocity.  Forget what you’ve heard about me.  Most of it’s lies, propaganda by the other side.  The other guy has his people telling his version of the story, and everybody laps it right up. He’s a superhero after all.  I get it.  He’s the freaking Golden Speedster.  A founding member of the Hero’s Guild. He’s on the news every night saving somebody. There’s a museum in downtown Philadelphia in his honor.  I know.  I just figured it’s about time you got to hear my side of the story.

I’m the guy that’s faster than “The World’s Fastest Man.”  People gloss over that, and, frankly, it pisses me off.  I feel like I should be as honest as possible here.  So, that’s one of my peeves.  “World’s Fastest Man,” please.  I know at least three speedsters faster than him.  And he knows them too! Okay, sorry if that seems petty, it just bothers me, that’s all.  Every time he’s ever caught me, I let him.  Every, freaking, time.

Really, I’m falling.  That’s the essence of the whole story.  It may seem like I possess incredible speed to you, but really, I’m just falling.

Sometimes, I tell myself I had a chance to do things differently, but I know better.  It boils down to one thing.  A kind of gravity.  The gravity of becoming.  Once we’re born, we just fall into the holes of our lives.  No decision matters or changes our destinies.  I know that better than anyone.

I fall in a different way than most people.  I’ve fallen into a different kind of well, that some people call the Velocity Field.  And since I’ve fallen into this well, and this is true for the several other people who are similarly afflicted (or blessed) with this gift (or curse) called speed.

You probably know me by the name the media gave me, the Dark Runner, and that’s cool.  I’ve come to terms with it. Though, I wish Speed Demon or Doctor Velocity had stuck but, what are you going do?  Doctor Velocity though. That’s my preference. But, what’s in a name?  I used to have a different name, but I changed it to make a man kill himself, so I could take his girlfriend. That’s a story for later.  Also, I changed my name to keep my secrets.  A super-villain has got to be allowed to keep some secrets.  It’s only fair.  And that one secret is a big one.  Enough to drive a couple of people mad, in fact.  I would know, I’m one of those people.  But, okay.  Forget about that for now.  We’ll get there, I promise.

A lot of people think I’m from the distant future.  2158 or some shit.  I may have told some people that myself.  But, really think about it.  The distant future?  That’s ridiculous.   Like humanity is going to survive until 2158.

Sorry, spoilers.  Forget that.  I’m sure we’ll work out all the problems our species has, and people will live in a utopia then.  Sure.  I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you, honestly.  That kind of shit can drive you crazy.  Anyway, I’m not exactly from the future in the sense you’re thinking.  But we’ll get to that too.

Let’s start at the beginning.  Kinda.

(c) Copyright 2019 Diana Hignutt

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