Monday, February 10, 2020

Chapter Thirty-One: High the Memory - Des Vu Revisited

Chapter Thirty-One

High the Memory - Des Vu Revisited

Once you are sufficiently cynical and broken, having undergone over the long course of life significant transformation from that hopeful and optimistic youngster to a tired and weary realist, wracked by regret, guilt, and shame; only then, can you experience memory as the painful psychic attack it truly is.

I’ve already talked about Des Vu, those poignant and powerful moments when the looking forward of the younger person seems for a moment to meet with the looking back of their elder self.

In its most extreme form, the elder finds themselves in the point of view of their younger selves, fully immersed in that moment, while the younger version finds themselves inhabiting the life of the future.  This produces an extreme longing and existential regret in the consciousness, and simultaneously, a deep feeling of disappointment over failure to reach one’s dreams, and a taste of the call towards oblivion.  It eats you up.  And the more bad shit you’ve done, the more it hurts.  And, if you’re a fucking supervillain, you’ve probably done a lot of bad shit.  God knows I have.

And in every nanosecond you are your young, recently married self, relaxing with your new wife without a care in the world smoking pot and watching Saturday morning cartoons, and then you’re in the time where you left her twenty years later because you couldn’t handle how crazy she was getting, and she killed herself.  You feel that despair, confusion, loss, denial, guilt, over and over, as you’ve reconnected with the strong bond you had just long enough to bring out fresh regrets and pain.

Looking back, you find that you let everyone you every loved down, time and time again.  And it fucking stabs at you.  Over and over again.

It fucks you up. 

(c) Copyright 2020 by Diana Hignutt

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