Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Chapter Seventeen: Psychonaut

Chapter Seventeen


There are two prevailing interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, the Standard, or Copenhagen Interpretation, which posits probability fields as an abstract explanatory concept, and the Many Worlds Interpretation, which posits parallel universes interfering with each other on the quantum level.  Over the last few years, the Many Worlds Interpretation has pretty much emerged victorious due to two recent findings: 1) the working of quantum computing, and 2) the arrival and discovery of the supervillain, Pscyhonaut.

Psychonaut is a visitor from a parallel universe.  At least, that’s what he claims, and I see no reason not to believe him.  Also, I’ve literally followed him to other universes.  Psychonaut uses drugs to travel between worlds, but speedsters have the innate ability to travel between universes.  It is similar to phasing through objects, but the vibrational frequencies are different.  Move your molecules at the right rate and presto, you are travelling to other versions of the Earth.

Psychonaut uses a interdimensional travel suit, not unlike a speedster’s suit, but his is a sort of tie-dyed, psychedelic, multi-colored mess.  It is literally hard to look at.  He wears a retractable glass-like dome helmet rather like a deep sea diver.  Otherwise, he’s quite a pleasant chap.  Mild-mannered, funny, smart.  He also has the ability to induce a bad trip in anyone at any time, which is a pretty amazing defensive move, if you stop and think about it.  I’ve seen him take down half the Hero’s Guild at once, and from what I heard, they were incapacitated for a week.  And we’re not taking the sidekicks, but the big guns like Platinum Man, the Golden Speedster, and Zorro.

(c) Copyright 2019 Diana Hignutt 

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