Chapter Forty-Seven
Apocalypse Incorporated
All single goal algorithms will lead to
destruction. It is, very simply, the
nature of things. Just like Mickey’s water-carrying
brooms from the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” portion of Fantasia. Or Nick Bostrom’s Paperclip Machine (or Universal
Paperclips, the computer game that seems to be based on Bostrom’s thought experiment). Now imagine an ever-increasing number of
economic engines designed to convert scarce resources and labor into
profit. Short term profit, because
investors like that best. So, you
release a million economic Frankenstein’s Monsters on the world. What did you think was going to happen? Stupid fucks.
Our company was different than everybody else’s. We got rich destroying capitalism. And destroying the world. You’d be surprised how much money there is in
destroying the world. And
capitalism. I know, it seems, counterintuitive.
(c) Copyright 2020 Diana Hignutt